Book Reviews

My name is Nwose Lotanna Victor from Abuja, Nigeria. This website is a quick sneak-peak of a few interesting things I do as a freelance continious learner.
Below is an Overview of a few books I have read this year...

The Righteous Mind by Jonathan .H


This is easily the best book I read this year. It is the first pyschology book I read in a long while and opened my mind to more psychology.

Ijeawele by Adichie .C


This book taught me a lot of parenting. Especially about the concepts of baby-siting, gender roles and narratives we sell to kids.

The Rational Optimist by Ridley .M


This is easily my second favorite book of the year. Ridley made so many intresting arguments here. It seems he has a thing or two against organic food movements in the U.S haha

Finding my virginity by Branson .R


Richard is the most prolific billionaire english author. He has a very distinct story and view of the world. His life is so fun though with breath-taking business moves.

The Virgin Way by Branson .R


Here Richard outlines the long lost art of careful listening. I think every wannabe entrepreneur should read this. He also shares business insights about recruitment and keep staff motivated.

China's Distruptors by Edward .T


This book paints a good story about China's last 50 years move towards globalization. I did not actually appreciate the way Tse repeated a lot of things a couple of times in different ways. It could have been a 200 page book.